DM Plant
Lalita Projects Pvt. LtdGet a Quote
DM Plant
Demineralization is the process of removing mineral salts from water by using the ion exchange process. With most natural water sources it is possible to use Demineralization and produce water of a higher quality than conventional distillation.
Lalita Projects, Manufacture a Wide range of custom-built Demineralised Water plant [DM Plant] in India for industrial process water applications, with inherent design to conserve water, and save costs. The DM Plants [Demineralization Plants] are available in different sizes and materials, manually operated or fully Automatic, & ready to install & are available as standard models or custom built versions for specific needs.
The basic DM plant must have minimum two resin columns, Cation and Anion. The cation unit contains resins, which are in H form and Anion resins in service cycle are in OH- form. The filtered raw water, when passed through a two bed DM plant, cation resins exchange all cations in water and the salts are converted to respective acids. his acidic water is passed through the anion resins, which exchanges the anions and the pure water is achieved. The water coming out of Anion unit generally has TDS less than 40 PPM & Hardness less than 1 PPM.
- Low maintenance
- Long-lasting
- Free from rust
- Inexpensive
- Use less energy
- Oil & gas industries
- Chemical Industries
- Power plants
- Fabric Industries
- Pharmaceutical Industry
DE-ionizer of capacity : 1000 Ltr/hr
Treated Water Quality : pH: 7.5-9.5
Conductivity : <30 micro C
Hardness : Nil.
Max. Working Pressure : 3.5 Kg/cm2
Type of Resin : Strong Acid Cation
Brine Solution Tank Cap : 100 Lt.
Brine Distribution System : Strainer Type (To avoid resin leakages)