An ISI-packaged drinking water plant transforms the raw and polluted water into healthy & safe drinking water that is safe for consumption. The purified water is produced with long-lasting tensile materials that can endure the wear and tear of the entire process. Lalita project, an eminent packaged drinking water project in Kolkata, cautiously executes the entire process to manufacture packaged water of the highest quality. Here, we highlight and discuss the steps involved in producing packaged drinking water. 

The process of producing ISI-packaged drinking water

The whole procedure of producing ISI-packaged drinking water involves the following steps: 

HypoChlorite Dosing System

Water tanks are first filled with raw water before being chlorinated. Dosing pumps are used to chlorinate them with an HDPE hypochlorite solution. It eliminates live microorganisms before storing them in tanks with PVC pipes and level indicators.

Sand Filtration 

Afterwards, the water is driven under duress into the sand filter unit. Turbid particles are separated using this device. When discharged, untreated water flows downward through the sand bed. It captures particles in suspension. However, these sand beds require frequent upkeep.

Activated Carbon Filtration 

After chlorination, the raw water may have an odour, a colour, or tiny particles. This can be removed by activated carbon filtration. These carbon tanks filter the water as it flows through them, preparing it for the next step. 

Antiscalant Dosing

In this step of packaged drinking water projects, elements like sodium, calcium, and magnesium that are present in excess are precipitated. The water’s nutrient content will suffer risks if it exceeds the solubility threshold.

The Reverse Osmosis System

The RO system in an automatic-packaged drinking water project in Kolkata removes dissolved particles from the water after it has been treated. The technique involves passing highly concentrated water over a semi-permeable membrane containing tiny filters.

Mineral System Addition

RO processed water with low TDS has a poor flavour. Physical minerals are now introduced to the tank to add a layer of taste and nutrition. Additionally, it controls the water’s TDS level.

UV Filtering

The RO water is now free of pollutants. However, pollutants can return if the water is stored for a long time. Hence, an ultraviolet steriliser emitting high-ultraviolet radiation filters is employed to eliminate even the faintest chance of bacterial reproduction. 

Ozone generator

It is pivotal to maintain mineral water’s quality standards. Before bottling, the water is passed through an Ozone tank to add a further shade of sophistication. The cleansed water is thoroughly treated with rich oxygen in the final stage of ISI-registered packaged drinking water processing. 

The processed and oxygenated water is now ready for bottling and conveyed through pumps and pipes to the bottling unit.

When someone starts his business based on ISI rules and conditions, they have to maintain the building construction with the hygienic procedure and set up their laboratory as per IS 14543:2016, complete with chemicals, instruments, and glassware. In order to be an ISI project, they also need other mandatory certifications for packaged drinking water.

When this purified water is used for PDW (packaged drinking water), it requires additional equipment like an RFC machine (automatic rinsing – filling – capping machine ), BOTTLE MAKING BLOWING MACHINE, SHRINK WRAPPING CARTOON machine etc. However, the choice of machinery and instruments ultimately depend on their intended customers and the extent of their business. 

Before the final manufacture, the packaged product must undergo a treatment procedure to guarantee it is safe for human consumption as per an ISI Certification for Mineral Water Plants. The finished products must then be packed in different sizes of plastic bottles, JAR, and pouches for human consumption.

An ISI-packaged drinking water plant conducts all the above-mentioned procedures to produce water that is thoroughly hygienic, delicious, and rich in nutrients. The purity and the tastes of the processed water underlie the success of many automatic-packaged drinking water projects in Kolkata

Lalita project is one of the leading ISI-registered packaged drinking water plants that executes all the above-mentioned steps cautiously to manufacture drinking water of the utmost quality. By catering drinking water of the highest standard, the Lalita project has emerged as an eminent and indispensable part of the ongoing urbanisation.